Organization Topical Files, 1927-1987.
Related Entities
There are 13 Entities related to this resource.
Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod. (corporateBody)
World Council of Churches (corporateBody)
The World Council of Churches is an ecumenical organization that was founded in Amsterdam in 1948. From the description of World Council of Churches records, 1937-1989 (inclusive). (Yale University). WorldCat record id: 702164061 The desire of the World Council of Churches to open a dialogue with Hindus, Buddhists, Jews and Muslims resulted in the 1971 Dialogue with People of Living Faiths and Ideologies (DFI) program. This program supports interreligious multi-lateral and b...
American Lutheran Church (1930-1960) (corporateBody)
The ALC met as a delegate body biennially in October, the time and place of which was determined by the president and Board of Trustees. All boards and standing committees sent their reports to the president at least sixty days before the convention, so that he could have them printed and sent to the delegates twenty days before the biennial meeting. From the description of Official Reports for Church Conventions 1932-1960. (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Library). WorldCat r...
Lutheran World Federation (corporateBody)
American Lutheran Conference (corporateBody)
Organized 1930 by a group of midwestern synods, including Augustana Synod, American Lutheran Church, Norwegian Lutheran Church of America, Lutheran Free Church, and United Danish Evangelical Lutheran Church. From the description of Records, 1929-1954. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 155503148 ...
Lutheran Church in America (corporateBody)
Organized June 28, 1962, by consolidation of the American Evangelical Lutheran Church, the Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church, the Finnish Evangelical Lutheran, and the United Lutheran Church in America; began to function formally on Jan. 1, 1963. From the description of Minutes, 1962-1987. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 70924950 ...
Lutheran Foreign Missions Conference of North America. (corporateBody)
Lutheran Council in the USA. Office of Communication and Interpretation. News Bureau. (corporateBody)
(For history of the Lutheran Council in the USA (LCUSA), see OCLC #38922091.) LCUSA's Division of Public Relations was established in 1967 at the Council's founding. In 1973, the Division of Public Relations was renamed the Office of Communication and Interpretation. The News Bureau, an unit under both the Division and its successor Office, prepared and distributed news releases regarding LCUSA activities and interests and feature articles of Lutheran interest to the mass media. News Bureau Dire...
Lutheran Council in the USA. Division of Public Relations. News Bureau. (corporateBody)
Lutheran World Action. (corporateBody)
Lutheran Educational Conference of North America. (corporateBody)
National Lutheran Council. Division of Public Relations. News Bureau. (corporateBody)
American Lutheran Church (1961-1987) (corporateBody)
The American Lutheran Church (1961-1987) was formed by the merger of the American Lutheran Church (1930-1960), the Evangelical Lutheran Church and the United Evangelical Lutheran Church. Representatives from each of the constitutent churches formed the Joint Union Committee in 1950 to effect the merger. Presidents of the constituent bodies at the merger were Henry F. Schuh (ALC), William Larsen (UELC) and Fredrik A. Schiotz (ELC). Schiotz was elected president of the new church body; Norman A. M...